Support funding for construction of the Swampscott Rail Trail

Complete the Swampscott Rail Trail!

The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (Boston MPO) has initially programmed 8.9 million dollars in fiscal year 2027 to fully construct the remainder of the Swampscott Rail Trail from Bradlee Avenue to Stetson Avenue including a pedestrian bridge over Paradise Road (Route 1A).

In signing this petition, you will join others in providing formal public input to endorse their decision to fund this project and to accelerate funding as future opportunity allows.

We, the undersigned, support full funding for construction of the Swampscott Rail Trail (Project ID  610666) that was programmed in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2023-27 Draft for Public Review dated May 2, 2022.

(For more information see the TIP Draft for Public Review)

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