Save the Florida Bonneted Bat!

The Florida bonneted bat -- the largest bat in the state and one of the largest in North America -- was once a common sight, but the Center for Biological Diversity now estimates that fewer than 300 exist in the wild. 

The bats benefit humans by naturally controlling the insect population, but increased use of pesticides in recent years has eliminated their food sources. Development in bat habitats is another reason for the species' decline.

There have been efforts to get the bats on the endangered species list since 2007, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is now proposing to move the bat to endangered species status. Please sign the petition to support protections for the Florida Bonneted Bat under the Endangered Species Act!

To: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The Florida bonneted bat -- the largest bat in the state and one of the largest in North America -- was once a common sight, but the Center for Biological Diversity now estimates that fewer than 300 exist in the wild. As you know, there have been efforts to get the bats on the endangered species list since 2007. We, the undersigned, are pleased that you are now considering Endangered Species Act protections for these bats.

Florida bonneted bats benefit humans by naturally controlling the insect population, but increased use of pesticides in recent years has eliminated their food sources. Development in bat habitats is another reason for the species' decline. We urge you to consider the importance of these bats and their role in the ecosystem and choose to add them to the endangered species list. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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