YES on 522 - Label GMOs in Washington State!
On November 5th, Washington could be the first state to require that companies label food containing genetically modified organisms – but food giant Monsanto is pouring millions of dollars into misleading ads to prevent the measure from passing.
The corporate-sponsored campaign is working: early polls showed strong support for GMO labeling, and now the outcome is too close to call.
If mandatory GMO labeling is implemented in Washington, other states would follow suit, and many companies would change their labeling for the whole country right away.
Monsanto and other food giants routinely use dangerous untested genetically modified organisms and harmful chemical pesticides in their products. When given the choice, consumers choose non-GMO, organic, safely produced food most of the time. That's why Monsanto and its allies are funneling a fortune into making sure consumers never know that the food they're buying contains GMOs.
Last year, Monsanto and its allies pumped millions of dollars into a deceptive campaign of misinformation and lies to stop GMO labeling in California. They won that round, but food safety advocates and farmers aren’t giving up the fight.
Sign this petition before November 5th and tell Monsanto to stop funding campaigns opposing GMO labeling!
Dear Monsanto Staff,
I deserve to know what is in my food. I support GMO labeling, because I want to know that the food I feed myself and my family comes from safe sources. Unfortunately, because of your action fighting GMO labeling, most food in my state is not labeled.
Please support consumers' right to know, and stop fighting ballot initiative 522 in Washington State.
If GMO food is really as safe as you claim, then you should be open to labeling. If it is not safe, then your products shouldn’t be sold. The fact that you are so fearful of labeling makes me believe there is much you are hiding from us.
Uppdatera #211 år sedan
One week until election day - and this might be the most critical issue on the ballot in all of America.
Monsanto, Pepsi, and other food giants are spending MILLIONS to confuse.
We need to stand strong. Please share this petition on Facebook, by email, and on Twitter immediately. The more who sign, the stronger we can be in the face of big agriculture's money.
Let's end GMO's iron grip on our food supply. This Nov 5th, help Washington State make history.
Uppdatera #111 år sedan
2 weeks until election day!
Monsanto is resorting to illegal tactics, with their lobbying front now under investigation for money laundering -
That's why we need everyone to sign our petition. Please share it with your friends - post on Facebook, Tweet - anything, to show that citizens everywhere support GMO labeling now and ensure that corporate money doesn't win over grassroots power.
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