Bison Creek Ranch was once a Safe Haven for free roaming Bison. A place to get away from all the Hussell and Bussell of everyday living as an Agra Touring adventure, for family and the adventurous." A PLACE TO PLAY AND PRAY" To experience what it was like back when there was more land than houses. Where people would and could gather for a week or weekend and bond w/family and friends. You would come away w/an experience of God's true gift. It was a true treasure of the old west, and a wonderful gateway to Yosemite National Park. about 55miles away from the entrance. Jerry Cox, the owner, was sharing this grand place.
Until, one day the county of Mariposa, Ca. decided they wanted to steal the land from Jerry Cox, the owner of the land, who has put years of blood, sweat, and life into the land once just mtns, hills, trees and vegetation. The corruption from the appointed officials in Mariposa County, Calif. is an Outrage! and a disgrace to the American people. Basically, they are saying You never own yr. property. Appointed officials can come in any time and steal your land away.
They have put a receivership on the property that states a 100 violations, which are lies and can be proven as false dictation from the Recievers, Mark Adams who is asking for over $300.000 now in service fees And the Judge Dana Walton will not except any video, pictures or witness evidence to back up the lies that Mark Adams is presenting? Its' been over 100 days since they have taken the land and not one repair has been done, Because there are not any! they have 3 armed guards @ the gate so Jerry cannot enter his own property. they will arrest him if he comes close to the gates. Even the Mariposa Gazzette Local newspapers are wondering what is going on?
We need to stand up for human rights and not let our elected officials get away w/this kind of corruption! Do u love yr. home/property? If we do not do something now we will not have anything to leave to our future. Please sign the petition Maybe the Judge will use as evidence? Feel free to log on to FB Bison Creek Ranch Mariposa Ca. there you will see the video and evidence to confirm the wrongful doing of the Corrupt County. Mariposa, California
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