Romanian Comunity Dogs: Safe for the Romanian People and Their Children

It is an old issue with too many solutions only on paper or online. Killing is simple, but easier it will be to accomodate everyone: dog lovers and concerned citizens. Up to now, dog shelters were built and helped no one and probably because they are away from people's houses. This was your solution. I am proposing you a different one. Let's built not shelters, but fenced spaces, all over the city, with more than one cubicle and take the dogs from a certain area and accomodate them there. Get a responsible from an ONG to cure these spaces and let the dog lovers the possibility to come and cure the dogs without forcing them to take them home. I think this will be most likely an easier solution than killing them or investing in shelters far away from the city where people cannnot go.

Then stop the breading by sterilization. Register all the dogs from everywhere, force the owners to sterilize the dogs after they are 3 years of age. Give work to all veterinary school graduates to follow this procedures. If someone wants to keep his dog unsterilized to register as a dog breader and make yearly a declaration with how many puppies his dog had and what become of them.

We are too poor to implant chips to every dog, but we are also too poor to use solutions that lead us to the tragedy of people dying, especially children.

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