Save critically endangered Black & white ruffed Lemurs in Madagascar

  • av: Brenda W
  • mottagare: Hery Rajaonarimampianina

Black and white ruffed lemur! These beautiful majestic, and interesting animals are critically endangered. The principle threat to it's survival is habitat loss due to slash -and-burn agriculture (only 10% of original forest cover remains in Madagascar), logging and mining. They are large bodied and diurnal, making them among the most heavily hunted of all lemur species. Ruffed lemurs are both trapped and shot in Madagascar for the economic benefit of humans. Ruffed lemurs are often hunted for food, and they are also sold to humans as pets.When human activities encroach upon rainforest habitat, this species is one of the first lemurs to disappear. Stop destroying the natural habitat for lemurs by logging, and mining in Madagascar. The lemurs deserve protection from hunting, and selling. Where is the laws to protect their freedom, and rights to live without fear in peace. ? I want to see strong laws made to help save the existence of the lemurs they deserve the rights to live on this plant in peace.

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