Prevent the massacre of Romania's stray dogs!

A four year old child was killed by a pack of dogs in Bucharest, Romania. The measure that the authorities and a big part of the citizens thought of was to massacre ALL the dogs.

Although we understand that there is a traumatizing situation for the family of the child and we are aware that the suffering is hard to endure, we consider it to be too much killing all the dogs, without discrimination, regardless if they are aggressive or meek, adults or puppies. Most of them are gentle, humble and frightened. Very few people are caressing them, offering them food or water, but an overwhelming number jumps quickly to militate for their death.

What we are inviting you is to be there for these dogs, which have very few supporters, and help them escape this massacre! Just being born must not be a crime!

Dear Mr. President Traian Basescu,
We were all affected by the death of the four year old child (Ionut). We understand that this calls for action to prevent such suffering in the future. We all agree that something must be done! We were wondering if something can still be done without killing thousands of dogs whose only crimes were to be born and be abandoned.
They are sensitive beings with feelings and don't want to die! Wouldn't it be more humane to differentiate between the violent and the gentle dogs and treat them differently? And wouldn't be more humane still to cage the violent instead of killing them? And how about those that abandon dogs? Can we do something about them? Otherwise, we all know, this will clearly perpetuate the problem in the future.
We are sure that there are many other ways to look at how this situation can be solved without so much murder! We beg you! Please consider other solutions!

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