Since Viking times The Faroes Islands has engaged in the illegal practice known as a Grind Hunt which in English is a Whale Kill. Each year the Faroes Islands lure Pilot Whales and dolphins to their islands and by the end of the day they land up dead on Norðskáli Beach turning the sea red with blood. Things have changed since Viking times they use speedboats, they use nets, they use boat hooks, and they use knives. Sign the petition and tell the Security Council they need to stop these killings and issue heavy santions to Denmark. Sea Shepherd and other protesters have been going to the islands to stop the kills each year and the Faroes have gotten aggressive. Boats have been impounded illegally, drunken Faroes have been harassing protesters, key activist have been arrested by the Faroes and tried in a Faroes court on false charges, and Denmark is using their Navy to harass protesters instead of taking part in NATO exercises. This needs to stop. Sign the Petition and tell the Security Council enough is enough.
Dear UN Security Council Delagates.
As you know each year there has been whaling going on in the Faroes Islands. These whalers have violated UN and EU laws and they say they are exempt from all of it. I will tell you now THEY ARE NOT! Denmark as a UN founding state needs to enforce its laws and the laws of the EU and the UN and ban this barbaric practice. The Faroes call their whaling food we call it murder because they are driving dolphins and pilot whales to extinction each year with their hunts.
Security Council do the right thing ban this practice and issue heavy sanctions on Denmark and the Faroes Islands.
Sincerley Aaron Peavler
Uppdatera #58 år sedan
we are almost at 3,000 signatures keep them coming.
Uppdatera #48 år sedan
we are almost to our goal we still need more signatures.
Uppdatera #38 år sedan
we reached our first 2,000 lets make it 3,000
Uppdatera #28 år sedan
we are almost to our goal spread the word we need more signatures.
Uppdatera #18 år sedan
we got 72 votes in two hours keep it up we need to end these hunts.