Stop the Slaughter of Horses in Canada

In October 2011, NDP MP Alex Atamanenko re-introduced an Act that, if passed, will effectively end the import and export of horses and horse meat for human consumption. This is Bill C-322.

Grassroots support from people like you will be critical to the enactment of this legislation. In order to help create legislation, please tell Prime Minister Harper that you want to see an end to the slaughter of horses in Canada.
  Please tell Stephen Harper:

  • Horses have not traditionally been raised for human consumption in Canada. In our country, horses are considered sport and companion animals. Many Canadians believe that this industry must be abolished on humane grounds. 64% of Canadians do not support it.

  • There are 4 federally licensed horse slaughter plants that are currently up and running in Canada.

  • Horses are shipped in crowded trailers over long distances, and often arrive injured, sometimes fatally.

  • The CHDC has documented evidence of horse neglect and abuse, as well as severe suffering as a result of poor slaughter practices (see our website:

  • Dr. Nicholas H. Dodman, of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, said of our June '08 report:

"horses experienced sheer terror", "some horses were not properly stunned", "if people knew what was going on they would be up in arms" and "this practice should be banned"

  • The Federal Health of Animals Act is not enforced, which would protect sick, pregnant and unfit horses, and prohibit overcrowding.

  • The Recommended Code of Practice for Care and Handling of Farm Animals: Transportation of Horses is not enforced.

  • The CFIA does not enforce their own weak rules that slaughter bound horses must not be transported for longer than 36 hours straight and must be provided with feed, water and rest at required intervals. Double decker trailers are still allowed.

  • The horse slaughter process itself is not humane euthanasia.

  • Horses have not traditionally been raised for human consumption in Canada. In our country, horses are considered sport and companion animals. Many Canadians believe that this industry must be abolished on humane grounds. 64% of Canadians do not support it.

  • There are 4 federally licensed horse slaughter plants that are currently up and running in Canada.

  • Horses are shipped in crowded trailers over long distances, and often arrive injured, sometimes fatally.

  • The CHDC has documented evidence of horse neglect and abuse, as well as severe suffering as a result of poor slaughter practices (see our website).

  • Dr. Nicholas H. Dodman, of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, said of our June '08 report:

"horses experienced sheer terror", "some horses were not properly stunned", "if people knew what was going on they would be up in arms" and "this practice should be banned"

  • The Federal Health of Animals Act is not enforced, which would protect sick, pregnant and unfit horses, and prohibit overcrowding.

  • The Recommended Code of Practice for Care and Handling of Farm Animals: Transportation of Horses is not enforced.

  • The CFIA does not enforce their own weak rules that slaughter bound horses must not be transported for longer than 36 hours straight and must be provided with feed, water and rest at required intervals. Double decker trailers are still allowed.

  • The horse slaughter process itself is not humane euthanasia.

  • Support Bill C322 and end the suffering of the animals that have stood beside us in the field and on the battleground for centuries.

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