Investigate unethical & inhumane practices by the Elberton, GA Animal Control Officer.

Dear Concerned Animal Lover:

The City of Elberton, GA, City Council must Investigate unethical & inhumane practices by the Elberton, GA Animal Control Officer.  
I have been involved with companion pet rescue for 20 years and in 3 states. Jimmy Jones, at Elberton Animal Control, is the most unethical and inhumane Animal Control Officer I have ever dealt with. He informed me that he does "not have time for cats, he would not feed cats," and, more importantly, he will not work with rescue groups to save cats. But, he will kill them rather than have to feed, water, or let a rescue pull and save them. 
When I tried to pull 5 cats for rescue, he refused to follow his own policy by allowing me to adopt the cats by simply signing a spay/neuter agreement form and/or adoption record form. Instead, Jimmy gave me ONE hour to find a vet to take all 5 cats to be "fixed" at or he was going to euth them. It was at this time he admitted to me that he had not fed or watered them nor removed them from the truck/traps in over 24 hours. Now, if he does not understand how inhumane it is to not feed or water animals, why is he the ACO? Plus, he knew it was unreasonable and impossible for me to find a vet in ONE hour. His plan all along was to PTS these cats and prevent me from saving them while using tax payer dollars on the expensive Euthanasia solution or pay a Vet in a neighboring county to Euth them.
The fact that he admitted to illegally and inhumanely treating the cats is enough to spark concern in his ethics and professional interests. These comments by Jimmy Jones, ELB ACO, to me, suggest that if the Elberton City Council is not going to investigate him and ELB AC, then it is obvious new council members and new police chief who place citizen concerns first should be elected as our current council and police chief are not performing their jobs as expected by the voters. My efforts are falling on moot ears.The Ward 5 councilman, Joel Seymour, told me to stop emailing him and called me a "special person."   
There are many unsatisfied citizens in regard to the way Jimmy Jones, ELB ACO, handles the trapping of animals, the treatment of animals AND human beings, and his overall governance of the ELB AC. The fact that the Police Chief, Mark Welsh, and the city council continue to ignore citizens' complaints about this situation is a clear sign that the council and chief have other political motives regarding Jimmy Jones' tenure as ACO. Retaliation against citizens is a common theme in most cases when anyone speaks up or files a complaint, as well. You complain and your pets disappear.
The City of Elberton, GA, City Council must Investigate unethical & inhumane practices by the Elberton, GA Animal Control Officer. 

Dear Concerned Animal Lover:

The City of Elberton, GA, City Council must Investigate unethical & inhumane practices by the Elberton, GA Animal Control Officer.

I have been involved with companion pet rescue for 20 years and in 3 states. Jimmy Jones, at Elberton Animal Control, is the most unethical and inhumane Animal Control Officer I have ever dealt with. He informed me that he does "not have time for cats, he would not feed cats," and, more importantly, he will not work with rescue groups to save cats. But, he will kill them rather than have to feed, water, or let a rescue pull and save them. 

When I tried to pull 5 cats for rescue, he refused to follow his own policy by allowing me to adopt the cats by simply signing a spay/neuter agreement form and/or adoption record form. Instead, Jimmy gave me ONE hour to find a vet to take all 5 cats to be "fixed" at or he was going to euth them. It was at this time he admitted to me that he had not fed or watered them nor removed them from the truck/traps in over 24 hours. Now, if he does not understand how inhumane it is to not feed or water animals, why is he the ACO? Plus, he knew it was unreasonable and impossible for me to find a vet in ONE hour. His plan all along was to PTS these cats and prevent me from saving them while using tax payer dollars on the expensive Euthanasia solution or pay a Vet in a neighboring county to Euth them. 

The fact that he admitted to illegally and inhumanely treating the cats is enough to spark concern in his ethics and professional interests. These comments by Jimmy Jones, ELB ACO, to me, suggest that if the Elberton City Council is not going to investigate him and ELB AC, then it is obvious new council members and new police chief who place citizen concerns first should be elected as our current council and police chief are not performing their jobs as expected by the voters. My efforts are falling on moot ears.The Ward 5 councilman, Joel Seymour, told me to stop emailing him and called me a "special person."   

There are many unsatisfied citizens in regard to the way Jimmy Jones, ELB ACO, handles the trapping of animals, the treatment of animals AND human beings, and his overall governance of the ELB AC. The fact that the Police Chief, Mark Welsh, and the city council continue to ignore citizens' complaints about this situation is a clear sign that the council and chief have other political motives regarding Jimmy Jones' tenure as ACO. Retaliation against citizens is a common theme in most cases when anyone speaks up or files a complaint, as well. You complain and your pets disappear.

The City of Elberton, GA, City Council must Investigate unethical & inhumane practices by the Elberton, GA Animal Control Officer. 

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