One Major Grocery Store Is Shifting to Mostly Plant-Based Products. Other Supermarkets Must Follow Suit!

  • av: The Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Safeway, Giant, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Tesco, Sainsbury's
Over the course of the next 8 years, a major grocery store chain in the Netherlands called Albert Heijn will overhaul its product line -- to ensure that the majority of the proteins it sells are plant-based. This is huge good news for animals and the planet! Now other big-name supermarket chains must follow in Albert Heijn's lead.

Sign the petition to demand that U.S. and U.K. brands including Safeway, Giant, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Tesco, and Sainsbury's also go majority vegan!

Plant-based proteins and faux-meats include items made out of beans, lentils, vegetables, and even newer, more realistic products like Beyond Meat and Impossible Meat. While their relative healthiness varies from product to product, one thing remains true: vegan proteins are better for the Earth and for indentured, tormented factory farm animals than conventional meats.

Animal-based agriculture, including meat rearing, dairy farming, and egg production, is extremely harmful for the environment. It's also a huge contributor to global climate change! Recent studies have shown that animal-based food products create roughly twice as many emissions as plant-based alternatives. New research released last month demonstrates that a worldwide move from animal agriculture to plant-based foods would equate to a roughly 68% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. It's clear that plant-based is the way to go if we want to save the Earth.

On top of that, animals locked into factory farm settings are subjected to some of the worst brutalities you can imagine. Fingers, toes, and beaks are snipped clean off without anesthesia, leading to excruciating pain, infections, and sometimes death. Families are ripped apart, calling out for each other -- never to be reunited. Animals in overcrowded facilities are surrounded by their own (and others') fecal matter piling up around them -- as well as the dead, decomposing bodies of their own brethren.

This plan wouldn't eliminate meat, dairy, or egg options for those people who prefer animal-based products. Instead, it would simply push eco-friendly and vegan options to the forefront, making it easier for shoppers to find and access these animal-friendly products.

The Earth is running out of time for us to reverse climate change, and animals are continuing to suffer every day. We must make it easier for everyone to choose quality plant-based, earth-friendly options!

Sign the petition to help us ask Safeway, Giant, Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Tesco, and Sainsbury's to ensure a majority of the proteins they sell are plant-based!
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