Volvo, please stop demonizing wolves in your ad!

In light of the recent political developments in the northwestern United States that have virtually imposed a death sentence on all wolves living in the wilds of the states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, it is unconscionable that Volvo USA has released this television ad:

The blood-thirsty insanity of the ranchers and hunters of these states, as well as general public fear of a creature innocent of everything they tout, is only fueled by turning this mythological charicature of a wolf-beast into laughing sport to sell cars.  Wolves are being beaten, trapped, gassed, and gunned down from the air, even as you watch this ad.

Please go their Facebook page at and copy this message on their wall:

Volvo, nothing can justify the cruelty of your "Little Red" TV ad, given that a holocaust has begun in the northwestern U.S. to kill every wolf alive, for no honestly justifiable reason.  Please pull your ad now!

Thank you!

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