Retire Harvard's Research Primates to a Sanctuary

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Dean of Harvard Medical School, Director of New England Regional Primate Research Center, Director of National Institute of Health
Over the next two years, the New England Regional Primate Research Center, (part of Harvard Medical School), will shut down it's center, and move about 2,000 monkeys. They hold 1,500 rhesus macaques as well as smaller numbers of other species, including cotton-top tamarins.

The center was on probation and cited by the federal Department of Agriculture for failing to comply with the Animal Welfare Act. Four primates have died there since mid-2010; including the death cotton-top tamarin in a cage that had been sent through a sanitizing machine, and another had to be euthanized after it was found dehydrated because of a malfunctioning water bottle in its cage. Last year, the center recieved $87 million from the National Institutes of Health.

Closing the center is a step in the right direction to stop inhumane experiments on monkeys and apes which yeild no reliable results for humans,- (because what applies to one species, does not always apply to another). We ask that the school retire these primates to a sanctary- not another research facility for futher testing.


Harvard Medical School
Dean Dr. Jeffrey S. Flier
25 Shattuck Street
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-432-1000

New England Regional Primate Research Center
Director Dr. R. Paul Johnson
P.O. Box 9102
1 Pine Hill Drive
Southborough, MA 01772-9102
Tel: 508-624-8148
Fax: 508-624-8172

National Institute of Health
Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.
Building 1, Room 126
1 Center Drive
Maryland, 20892
Phone: 301-496-2433

Over the next two years, the New England Regional Primate Research Center, (part of Harvard Medical School), will shut down it's center, and move about 2,000 monkeys. They hold 1,500 rhesus macaques as well as smaller numbers of other species, including cotton-top tamarins.

The center was on probation and cited by the federal Department of Agriculture for failing to comply with the Animal Welfare Act. Four primates have died there since mid-2010; including the death cotton-top tamarin in a cage that had been sent through a sanitizing machine, and another had to be euthanized after it was found dehydrated because of a malfunctioning water bottle in its cage. Last year, the center recieved $87 million from the National Institutes of Health.

Closing the center is a step in the right direction to stop inhumane experiments on monkeys and apes which yeild no reliable results for humans,- (because what applies to one species, does not always apply to another). We ask that the school retire these primates to a sanctary- not another research facility for futher testing.


Harvard Medical School
Dean Dr. Jeffrey S. Flier
25 Shattuck Street
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-432-1000

New England Regional Primate Research Center
Director Dr. R. Paul Johnson
P.O. Box 9102
1 Pine Hill Drive
Southborough, MA 01772-9102
Tel: 508-624-8148
Fax: 508-624-8172

National Institute of Health
Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.
Building 1, Room 126
1 Center Drive
Maryland, 20892
Phone: 301-496-2433

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