Play On, Professor!

Calling all Layton fans!

It has recently been revealed in a Nintendo Direct release that along with the announcement of Professor Layton Game 6, this title will be
Hershel Layton's last adventure as a main character for the series. For us loyal fans, this announcement heralds the end of an era and is very sad news indeed.

This petition is a plea from all of us Layton fans for Level-5 to please reconsider their decision, and to please bring the Professor back in a new series of games as the title hero that his flagship series is named for.  While all the characters are great, there is truly no replacement for our top-hatted hero!

Over the course of 5 titles and an animated movie, the Professor has cemented himself in the pages of video game history as one of the most unique new protagonists to enter the gaming arena.  A scholar, a solver, a fighter and most of all, a true gentleman, Professor Hershel Layton defines Bad Ass with Class. He’s awesome, we love him, and we want more of him!

So please Level-5, please bring him back!  Afterall, there is no Super Mario without Mario, no Legend of Zelda without Link and no Professor Layton, without Professor Layton.  We, your loyal Layton fans, hope that you will hear our voices and please consider this.

Thank you, and Play On, Professor!

(For those of you concerned about the information being asked, do not worry! ALL of your info such as email and addy and such is completely hidden; no one can see it, so don't be scared!)


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