Stop killing bears in Romanian forests

  • av: Elena Maghet
  • mottagare: Minister of Environment and Forests

The bears' environment has declined dramatically in the last years due to deforestation. Bears can hardly find food any more and they descend in the near vecinity of towns to search for food. Moreover, poachers are common in all regions where bears live, using painful traps and methods to illegally catch and kill bears. In the latest events, few bears attacked poachers and hunters, and killed some of them. As a reaction to these events, the Romanian Government has decided to allow for more bears to be shot. On September 18, the Ministry of Environment and Forests issued a decision to increase the number of bears, wolves and wild cats hunted in all the country, no matter their age! (please Google Translate the text): Click here. The decision is also approved by the Romanian Academy.This is not a solution, as bears are protected worldwide and become a rarity in all the Europe. Please tell the Romanian Government to use alternative, humane solutions instread of killing the bears!

Dear Mrs. Ministry of Environment and Forest,

Please find better, humane alternatives to killing bears in Romanian forests. They deserve a better life and to be let alone in the wild.
Please, consider other options, like worlwide sanctuaries, vaccinations, applying regular feeding in the forest using legal foresters, and repopulations.
Reinforce the law against poachers.

Thank you for considering these alternative options, instead of killing them!

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