Sign Here if You Want Professional Female Emojis!

You'll notice quite a few things when looking at emojis of women: There's a bride. A flamenco dancer. A secretary. But the emojis that feature professionals, including a doctor, detective, construction worker, and a guard? Those are all men.

A team of Google employees recently submitted a proposal for 13 new emojis that would better represent women in the professional world. Please sign my petition to urge the Unicode Consortium, the nonprofit that standardizes emojis, to accept Google's proposal and create new female professional emojis!

Among the proposed emojis are a female scientist, doctor, academic, food service worker, and musician.

Emojis reflect the unconscious biases of the people who have coded them: Too often, women are seen as brides and homemakers. When we think of a doctor or a lawyer or a scientist, we think of a man. 

The saying goes: "You can't be what you can't see." Emojis may seem like a small thing, but they're far from it: millions of people use these tiny images every single day. It's important for girls to see professional females and all that they can be reflected in the world around them.

Please sign to urge the Unicode Consortium to accept Google's proposal and create new female professional emojis!
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