Keep Jill Rappaport's Bow To Wow Segment Alive!

Jill Rappaport’s BOW TO WOW series on the NBC Today Show has had a 100% adoption rate and it has been brought to our attention that the NBC Today Show plans to cancel her segment.  Over 5 ½ years Jill has saved millions of animals lives because of the visibility of this segment across the country. She has made going to a shelter to adopt fashionable when people wouldn't even look at a shelter pet. The awareness that she has brought to the animal and the shelter world has made great strides in helping to save millions of lives! Without this wonderful segment perfectly adoptable animals will be forgotten and euthanized. Don’t let NBC’s Today Show cancel her segment! Please sign this petition to show NBC, including the producer of the segment, Don Nash, how vital this segment is to its viewers and shelter animals alike!

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