Stop Hawaii Humane Society Euthanizing Adoptable Animals

  • av: Lacy K
  • mottagare: Animal Advocate Inc., Carol Cox-Animal Advocate, Lani-Friend's For Life Animal Sanctuary

Stop Hawaii Humane Society Euthanizing Adoptable Animals
The Hawaii Humane Society is given over $2,000,000 per year in donations that consist of money, land, volunteers, articles like towels, cages, pet products, pet food etc. Even with resources that would allow them to house many more animals and help other non-kill shelters to help animals as well, they still euthanize an alarming number of animals per day that are adoptable. This barbaric action must be ended and monitored. Instead of attacking other sanctuaries with false charges (recently-Frien's for Life Animal Sanctuary), and making media frenzies to condone their behavior, they could be joining forces with the non-kill shelters that donate thier services to actually help the animals.

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