Justice for Faith and her Family

  • av: Wanda Bohannon
  • mottagare: Michael Little @ Liberty County D.A.'s Office, Hinesville, Ga,. Lt. Earnest McDuffie, Fire Marshall, Hinesville, Ga,. Liberty County Sheriff's Dept, Hinesville, GA.

One should know the risks when burning under a no burn ordinance.The lives of fellow human beingsalone should be reason enough. Then there is property damage and wildlife to be considered. There is a reason for the no burn ordinance and this law should be upheld. If this man had not broken the law by burning this feral family would be alive. Who knows what other wildlife were killed. He is truly lucky this was the only loss that resulted byhis ignoring the ban.


On the 19th of April, 2012, a mother cat her kittens were set on fire by a man burning a wood pile under a no burn ordinance. Kittens were found in burn pile, one kitten survived and the mother was treated at Cedar Animal Hospital and euthanised.The property is located on Briggitine Dunmore in the Sunbury community in Hinesville, Ga. and owned by a Wade Fillingame.  This story was aired on the local news. It seems this pile of wood and limbs, leaves had been there for quite a while inviting animals to make a home of it. This property was being cleaned up as it is for sale. nevertheless at the time he had his workers set fire to this debris Liberty County had a no burn ordinance in effect. We feel this man ought to be held accountable for his actions resulting in the deaths of this feline family.

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