Change the law for banned dogs in the UK

There is four dog breeds banned in the UK: Pit Bull Terrier, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Braziliero. The law is so inconsistent that you can read on the government web page: "Whether your dog is a banned type depends on what it looks like, rather than its breed or name."

At this point there is lots of different breed mixes, any expert can tell you that this dogs are just bigger than the others and that any dog can be dangerous/aggressive if not trained, even a poodle.

I find really unhappy this racism regarding dog breeds also because it's only and always the owners responsibility and not the breed of the dog. Plus lots of this dogs end up being a victim, used in fights.

What I'm asking is to rethink this situation, listen to dog trainers and experts because is so unfair when the Police comes to your house and takes your pet away when nothing bad had happened but it's just the way it looks like.

We live in a country where you can find all human races, where all the cultures coexist so why are we racist when it comes to dogs?

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