Legalize adoption of foxes rescued from fur farms in the U.S. by Maine residents.

    Fur farms for foxes treat their animals very poorly, forcing the foxes to be kept in very small wire cages without allowing them any chance to experience the natural world. Some foxes, in order the preserve their fur color, are never even allowed to experience sunlight. Save a Fox is a licensed USDA organization that I believe people who live in Maine should be allowed to apply to to adopt a rescue fox. Unfortunately, no one in Maine, which I think is one of the most ideal states for a rescue fox to be re-homed to is qualified to apply to this adoption application because it is illegal in the state to have a pet fox. I think this unnecessary restriction must be ameliorated! Most rescue foxes are either not able to be fully weened bu their natural mothers and must then be humanized and imprint on humans, making their survival in the wild impossible, or they are otherwise ill or deformed from the harsh conditions and careless treatment they receive from these fur farms. Again, without the aid of a caring human to rescue them , they would otherwise be killed in inhumane ways. These completely tame humanized even imprinted foxes pose no threat to citizens of Maine or their adopters, they are arguably a safer pet than most dogs and should be treated with the same legal consideration. Please sign my petition to legalize the adoption of rescued foxes by Maine residents
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