Don't Euthanize Sage, Let Him Go Home

  • av: maria mobley
  • mottagare: Pine Bluff AR Mayor Debe Hollingsworth, Pine Bluff Animal Control

Sage is a 1 year old out bull who is being held for quarantine at Pine Bluff Arkansas Animal Control for defending his owner when he thought she was in danger.
Sage got out of his fence and went into the neighbors yard, the neighbor then pulled up and started yelling at Sage's owner in a threatening manner so Sage, being his families protector attacked the owner biting him I'm the chin and knee. Sage has never shown any kind of aggression towards anyone or any other dogs that's why he needs to go back home where he belongs.
He is being quarantined until December 27th, 2015 then we do not know what will happen we are starting this petition to make sure he is not euthanized. Sage was doing what any other dog would do in that situation, protecting his family. Please sign and share this petition to make sure Sage is safe.

Sage is currently being held for quarantine at Pine Bluff Arkansas Animal Control. This petition is to make sure Sage Will be returned back home with his family where he belongs.

Thank You,

Maria Mobley

Uppdatera #18 år sedan
Thank you for all the support and signatures. We are still in need of 583 more signatures to reach out goal of 1,000 so please keep sharing this petition so we can bring Sage back home where he belongs. Thank You..
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