Save Spirit

My dog, Spirit, has been sentenced to death because she was falsely accused of injuring livestock. On the day that this occurred, she was shot with a tranquilizer dart, and was subsequently transported to the Jefferson Animal control facility, where he remains to this day.Her whole life, she has been accustomed to living in a large home, where she had access to 8 acres of fenced in land. Now, she is kept in a cage 24/7, and has not been groomed or walked since he arrived there. Along with these terrible conditions, she is now dealing with the fact that both her parents and her two siblings have recently been killed.
I managed to file an appeal in order to attempt to prevent his euthanization.
I ask that you sign this petition, demonstrating that you support Spirit being allowed to live, so that I can present it at court in the hopes that it may persuade the judge to grant Spirit the life that he deserves.

We, the undersigned, are genuinely and entirely against the euthanization of the dog Spirit.

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