We Demand that all animals be removed from 569 Rappa Road Sprakers, NY 12166

We Animal Advocates from around the world want Herbert and Kathy Weich to be banned from owning any animals! Also we want Justice for the animals because of the Cruelty (allegedly) that the animals in their care suffered! January 2014 dogs/pups were removed and had been subject to server below zero temperatures without adequate shelter or health examinations while in the care of these two individuals.
It is in the best interest of the animals still in their care that we are speaking out. Many of the animals removed suffered Frost Bite, Giardia Parasites, and Hookworms. Many were under weight and had eye problems and other issues. Many were deemed semi-feral and had to have extensive TLC to even deem them favorable for adoption. According to reports documented here..... http://glenhighlandfarm.com/Sprakers/GHF-Report-Jan16-high.pdf
We ask that you take this matter seriously and handle any and all cases associated with these two individuals pending in a timely fashion. Thank You!

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