An Ohio teacher was fired for criticizing a local dairy on his personal Facebook page. Keith Allison, a vegan second grade teacher, posted pictures from the dairy farm along with his views on their practices: "As someone who grew up feeling parental love and support, and now as a parent who gives love and support, I reject the claim that separating babies from loving mothers to raise them isolated in boxes can ever be considered humane."
The owners of the farm called Allison's superintendent and said they were "upset" and "frightened" by his post. The school then pulled Allison's contract. They told him that agriculture plays a large role in the community's economy, and if he wants to be a strong vegan advocate, he shouldn't be teaching.
Allison didn't force his views on his students or engage in any illegal, harassing or vulgar activity or speech outside of work. Teachers have the right to have opinions and engage in civil communication outside of work. Please sign the petition to urge the Green Local School Board to reinstate Allison and apologize for their actions.
We, the undersigned, are concerned with your decision to fire second-grade teacher Keith Allison over views he expressed on his personal Facebook page outside of work. As you probably know, his views, which criticized a local dairy farm, were expressed civilly, using no vulgar or threatening language. His post read, "As someone who grew up feeling parental love and support, and now as a parent who gives love and support, I reject the claim that separating babies from loving mothers to raise them isolated in boxes can ever be considered humane."
Allison didn't force his views on his students or engage in any illegal, harassing or vulgar activity or speech outside of work. Teachers have the right to have opinions and engage in civil communication outside of work. We respectfully urge you to reinstate Allison and apologize for firing him for his personal, civil views. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.