Investigate The Death Of Horse On Barnes Road, Millington, MI

  • av: Gail Hirt
  • mottagare: Sheriff Glen Skrent, Tuscola County, Caro, Michigan; Dr. James Averill - State Veterinarian and Director, Animal Industry Division.
We demand the Tuscola Sheriff’s Office, District Attorney and Department of Agriculture pursue felony aggravated animal cruelty charges against the person or persons responsible for the abuse and torture of the 10 year old appaloosa located at 4398 Barnes Road, Millington, MI.

This case must be be investigated by detectives from Tuscola Sheriff’s Department as well as the Prosecuting Attorney of Tuscola County and Department of Agriculture. We also strongly urge the courts to deliver maximum sentencing for felony charges. Cruelty of this magnitude must be fully investigated, prosecuted and punished.

On Sunday September 17, 2017 the Tuscola County Sheriff’s Department responded to an animal cruelty complaint of person’s finding a 10 year old appaloosa equine down in a field. Not only was he starving, he was also suffering from extremely long hooves that had not been attended to for a very long time, a large wound on his side with flies, bees and grasshoppers on the body. This horse was extremely thin with all bones exposed and his hooves were so long he could not stand to access shelter or water. The complaint was responded to by stating that Animal Control for Tuscola County needed to be contacted on Monday as the Sheriff Dept. had limited knowledge regarding equine. On Monday, September 18, 2017 Animal Control was contacted and responded by stating that the horse was under veterinary care.

After numerous calls to authorities including the Department of Agriculture State Veterinarian, on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 18, 2017 and after the horse being down for no less than 3 days, the property was visited by the authorities including a Field Veterinarian from the State. It was decided that the horse should be euthanized.
It is being reported that complaints on this horse had been made to the authorities since May 2017.

The persons responsible for this heinous and deliberate act of aggravated animal cruelty must face justice.

According to the Michigan Penal Code Section 750 .50b and Section 750.53 We are demanding and thorough Investigation and possible Prosecution for all parties involved with this case including the owner, veterinarian and Tuscola Sheriff Department in the death of this horse.

1. Said horse was allowed to lay without water and shelter for more than 3 days
2. Said horse did not receive necessary farrier care for more than 1 year
3. Said horse did not receive necessary veterinary care
4. Said horse was abused and neglected to allow to become emaciated.

Thank You for your attention to this case, we look forward to a full investigation by post-certified law enforcement officials and an arrest under the Micgigan aggravated cruelty to animal statutes and full prosecution followed by maximum sentencing.

Also We would like to see the following steps taken by Dr. James Averill - State Veterinarian and Director, Animal Industry Division.

1.) To be Lead Agency on said horse (10 yr. old appaloosa) case, conducting a thorough and professional investigation
2.) We want a detective assigned to all the previous cases involving felony level animal abuse. These should be investigated and adjudicated at the state level.
3.) We want the veterinarian assigned to said horse to be investigated as to his abilities to provide aid to this horse.
4.) Actively and aggressively show that this office takes equine welfare seriously. Neglect and cruelty will no longer be tolerated.
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