This Media Outlet Demonized an Entire Population of Birds as "Psycho." This Could Hurt Real Animals!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: The Daily Star Magazine
A prominent media outlet in the UK just demonized an entire animal population. This could do horrible damage if people choose to act based on these damning words!

On the cover of a recent publication, the Daily Star Magazine called seagulls "feathered scumbags." Its writers went on to claim: "PSYCHO flying scumbag seagulls have attacked nearly HALF of the population as they go mad for our chips, ice creams and battered sausages."

Birds aren't psychos. They're not scumbags. And they certainly should not be treated with such contempt. Sign the petition to demand the Daily Mail retract its damaging rhetoric!

The entire article is frankly ridiculous. It hysterically declares that "Chips & ice creams are under threat" and that "48% of Brits [are] now victims of seagulls." These are clear hyperboles.

But some readers will come away thinking that seagulls really are the enemy. They're not. They're just living beings trying to survive, showing creative resourcefulness in trying to fulfill their needs.

As one Twitter user aptly explains: "With disgusting headlines like this is it any wonder we have such widespread wildlife crime in this country"?

Sure, it probably is hard to find things to write about. But villainizing an entire bird population? Surely the Daily Star can do better.

Sign the petition to tell the Daily Star to retract this vicious article before animals feel the consequences for these words!
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