Overfishing is Bad!

A huge concern of mine is OVERFISHING. Many areas and species all over the world are overfished and it is very bad. 90% of the big fish in the ocean are gone, and we are catching smaller and smaller fish. Soon they will be too small to eat! The largest catch for a year was 86 million tons of fish in 1989, and it hasn't gone down much since then. 

- Catch Shares (Fishing rights like stocks; if you buy more stocks you can catch more fish)

- Don't eat endangered fish (Japanese Yellowtail, imported shrimp, Chilean Sea Bass, Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Albacore Tuna, Atlantic Salmon, Atlantic Cod, Eel, Red Grouper, Orange Roughy, Sturgeon Caviar)

- National Oceans (Areas of the ocean protected, fish population rises, fish spill out into unprotected waters)

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