Demand to STOP the sale of dogs and puppies on Craigslist!

  • av: Karla Stagman
  • mottagare: Craigslist Corporate Office Craigslist Corporate Office Address Craigslist 1381 9th Ave San Francisco, CA 94122 Contact Craigslist Phone Number: (415) 566-6394 Fax Number: (415) 504-6394 Website: Email: Email Craigslist

Too many back yard breeders on Craigslist!

Craigslist needs to enforce their rules against this!

About 2.4 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs—about one every 13 seconds—are put down in U.S. Shelters each year.

Stop Back Yard Breeders

We, the signed, believe that the sale of dogs/puppies on Craigslist should not be allowed. Your rules of "no breeding, no dogs for stud, and only small re-homing fee" are not being followed. You seem to be extremely overwhelmed with taking the rule breakers off the ad list, so perhaps it would be easier for you to just not allow it at all. Flagging does no good, as the people selling the animals just come back and post again.

This petition is to STOP the sale of any kind, of dogs and puppies on your site. The shelters are overflowing with dogs that were either sold at an age that is too young (experts say 7 to 8 weeks is the soonest you should remove a puppy from its mother), or they buy a dog of breed that they do not understand. Or worse case senario, they buy a dog that is unhealthy.

Some cities only allow the breeding of dogs by LICENSED breeders. Those that are breeding for profit are breaking the law, and you are allowing this, which just encourages back yard breeders to breed for money.

Please either remove the allowance of sales of these dogs on your site, or be more deligent to remove the back yard breeders.

Help save a life. Too many dogs are dying every day.

Thank you.

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