Support CITES protection for Mobula Rays

  • av: Shark Stewards
  • mottagare: Dr. Kathryn D. Fisher, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans & Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator

Mobula Rays are severely threatened throughout most of their range, with two species bordering extinction. The greatest threat to devil rays is overfishing through largely unmonitored and unregulated incidental catches and target fisheries around the world. Growing global demand for gill plates, particularly in China, has intensified fishing pressure.

We the undersigned give strong support for the United States co-sponsored proposal to increase protection of all 16 Species of Devil Rays (Mobula spp.) under CITES Appendix II at the Coalition of the Parties 17.

The proposal covering all nine currently recognized Mobula species, including the Chilean Devil Ray (Mobula tarapacana) and Spinetail Devil Ray (M. japonica)  proposed for inclusion in Appendix II because regulation of trade is necessary to avoid their becoming eligible for Appendix I in the near future” (Article II paragraph 2(a)).  

·         The seven other Mobula species are proposed for inclusion in Appendix II as “look-alike” species.

·         The greatest threat to devil rays is overfishing through largely unmonitored and unregulated incidental catches and target fisheries around the world.  Growing global demand for gill plates, particularly in China, has intensified fishing pressure.

Thank you for your support.


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