Ban animal testing for cosmetics South Africa

  • av: Shivaan Narian
  • mottagare: Minister of health, Dr. Aaron Motsoaledi

Animal testing is unneccessary and inhumane. The fact that we wish to beautify ourselves should not involve the freedom and lives of innocent animals. Animals are held captive for the sole purpose of testing hazardous cosmetic substances on. their skin and bodies are fragile and much more sensitive than that of humans, therefore such testing may result in inconclusive deductions. why traumatise and injure an animal all for the sake of something that may be inaccurate? Major cosmetics consuming countries around the world including countries in the European Union, Brazil and India have banned this dated practice and have resorted to the use of more accurate and effective synthetic testing methods. why not follow suit? Let us return the dignity and freedom of animals by allowing them to exist in peace without having to prod at them for human consumption. we request that major local and international cosmetics companies comply with us in finding and using alternative testing methods so that they may represent themselves as cruelty free within South Africa.

I urge you to consider the signed petitions and assist in preventing this activity from becoming the norm in our country.

Yours sincerely

Shivaan Narian

(Animal Welfare Community)

Dear Minister,

Animal testing is unneccessary and inhumane. The fact that we wish to beautify ourselves should not involve the freedom and lives of innocent animals. Animals are held captive for the sole purpose of testing hazardous cosmetic substances on. their skin and bodies are fragile and much more sensitive than that of humans, therefore such testing may result in inconclusive deductions. why traumatise and injure an animal all for the sake of something that may be inaccurate? Major cosmetics consuming countries around the world including countries in the European Union, Brazil and India have banned this dated practice and have resorted to the use of more accurate and effective synthetic testing methods. why not follow suit? Let us return the dignity and freedom of animals by allowing them to exist in peace without having to prod at them for human consumption. we request that major local and international cosmetics companies comply with us in finding and using alternative testing methods so that they may represent themselves as cruelty free within South Africa.

I urge you to consider the signed petitions and assist in preventing this activity from becoming the norm in our country.

Yours sincerely

Shivaan Narian

(Animal Welfare Community)

Uppdatera #110 år sedan
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