• av: @animalactivism111
  • mottagare: Victorian Minister for Agriculture and Resources, Jaclyn Symes & Australian Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency, David Littleproud

   This is Jimmy. And yes, he's a baby rooster whom I just named because I felt like, through all the suffering and torture he experienced, he deserved a name.

But I didn't create this petition to talk about Jimmy. I created this petition to talk about Jason, John, Joshua, Jackson, Jacob, James, Jayden, Jack, Joseph, Julian, Johnathan, Jordan, Justin and the countless other nameless 20+ million day-old baby roosters slaughtered each day.

This is one of the biggest mass genocides (which happens DAILY) in the animal industry. Here's a quick summary of how the chicken industry works: Female chicks = meat coated egg layers = profit, Male chicks skinny non-egg layers = loss = throw them in a blender whilst they're alive/put in a room filled with carbon dioxide until they suffocate.

You're probably thinking "Surely this goes against some law"
Well, in answer to that, no. It is not against the law to put day-old chicks through torturesome pain as every one of their limbs is ripped to shreds.

You must be disgusted. Well, here's something that will make you nauseous.

This doesn't need to happen. There is technology to prevent this suffering. The two most common techniques are: genetic engineering to make male eggs fluorescent or sampling the DNA of eggs to determine gender. The male eggs are then destroyed before they develop the ability to feel pain. These techniques are already a few years old yet they are STILL not put to use in Australia.

France, Germany and Switzerland enforce these techniques by law to prevent further pain for the chicks, and in the US these techniques are widespread throughout the vast majority of chicken/egg farms.

If these methods are put to use the painful first and last day of a baby rooster's life won't need to be as painful and excruciating.

Every day in Australia thousands of baby chicks, not even a day old go through this cycle: After hatching all male chicks are stuffed into plastic bag or crates, many suffocating at this stage. When it's their turn the bags are emptied into a room filled with carbon dioxide so that the chicks will suffocate, OR they are dumped onto a conveyer belt that leads to a high-speed blender that rips baby chickens to shreds whilst they are still alive. Let me say it once again, baby chicks are legally put into giant blenders and BLENDED whilst they are STILL ALIVE!!

Occasionally the blender gets stuck and chicks that have torn off limbs or are suffering from fatal wounds are left to bleed to death for up to an hour.

It's time to tell the Minister for Agriculture and Resources, Jaclyn Symes that this is no joking matter. Animal lives and well-being are at stake. Please sign, comment and share this petition on your socials to tell Jaclyn to update the 1986 act today, to make tomorrow a better place!!

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