Ban Chaining Dogs in Frigid Temps in Quebec

  • av: Sue Lee
  • mottagare: Geoff Molsonm, President, Montreal Quebec Government

It is currently permissible that dogs are allowed to be tethered around the clock in Quebec, despite the effects of weather change and inability to play and frolic as dogs do.  The SPCA is diligent in asking the Quebec government to implement a law that bans these poor animals from being chained around the clock, following suit with areas like Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

A representative, Ms. Gaillard of the SPCA stated that “dogs are social animals; they need to be in contact with other dogs, with other animals, with people. When they’re kept isolated and deprived of the ability to play or exercise, they develop very severe behavioral frustration, boredom and psychological distress.” These animals should not be chained up all day, every day outdoors through heat, rain, sleet and snow. Read the full story at

We are trying to support the SPCA and ask the Quebec government to ban around the clock tethering of dogs; dogs that are chained outdoors, every day, all day on a chain. The SPCA states that they want to see the status of dogs upgraded from “movable property” to “sentient beings.” You can help us in our efforts to help these dogs by signing and sharing this petition. 

Geoff Molsonm, President, Montreal Quebec Government – We urge you to pass a law or bill that would ban the practice of tethering dogs outdoors, all day, every day! Dogs need to be protected from the elements and are more than just objects but should be upgraded from “movable property” to “sentient beings.” Follow suit with similar rulings in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and ensure dogs are banned from chaining dogs outdoors in frigid temps 24-hours a day! 

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