Stop our Government from Delisting Wolves

Would you like to see ANOTHER species exterminated? Extinct? Wiped from the face of the planet?

Wolves aren't harmless, but the aren't the vicious beast you make them out to be. Domesticated dogs pose a greater threat to human life than wolves and we still buy dogs for pets. Cougars and bears kill more people than wolves and the government doesn't delist them. (I would petition agains it)

Have you ever actually heard of a wolf attack on a human (Fairy tales and movies DO NOT count)? You're more likely to get attacked by a shark or struck by lightning.

The only reason the government is exterminating wolves from the United States (except Alaska) is because they attack livestock. Just get a fence, a really tall fence! Load a gun with salt pellets and shoot the wolves in the behind so they know not to mess with your livestock!

Wolves are essential to keeping to deer, elk, moose, rabbit, and coyote population down.

We can learn so much from the wolf. Just give them a chance. Put yourself in their pawprints. They are amazing creatures, one of life's most fascinating animal communities.

All they want, and I want, is for you to just give them a chance.

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