Save our Creche

    Hello there,

    After 14 years of dedicated service Health Mates Fitness Centre at Revesby Workers Cub is closing our creche.

    Our beloved Creche Service is a critical resource for our community, it is a place where parents and carers can exercise while knowing their children are well cared for, it doesn't just allow parents to stay healthy or just a place to get fit, it’s a community hub within Revesby,

    Losing the creche at Health Mates Fitness Centre means disrupting the well-being of many families who rely on this service. The service promotes community connection and mental health. Multiple studies show that parental exercise can lead to better mental health outcomes, resulting in a positive family environment (source: Scientific studies published on Children and Parent's Exercise Impact). The creche at Health Mates Fitness Centre ensures parents have equal opportunity to exercise, knowing their children are safe.

    We need to remind the decision-makers in Revesby Workers Club about the value of the creche at Health Mates Fitness Centre and choosing people over profit!

    Our community deserves a place where families/ mums can continue to prioritise their exercise needs while ensuring their children are in a safe place. So, let's tell our story. Let's show them why the creche matters to us.

    Your signature can make a real difference, demonstrate your support by signing this petition today. Let's Save our creche at Health Mates Fitness Centre. Together, we can secure our community's future.
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