Stop killing of dogs in Beit Lahia - gaza strip

Beit Lahia municipality belongs to hamas in the northern Gaza Strip inaugurated a campaign to encourage citizens to begin killing dogs and offering a ten shekel (3$) award for each killed dog.
There are no limitations on the number of dogs killed or the methods of killing.
Due to the precipitous economic situation in Gaza, a campaign of this nature may greatly motivate locals to be interested in earning a quick payoff.
Each dog killed and brought to the municipality center for the campaign will award its killer ten shekels (3$).
Likewise like previously mentioned, there are no limits placed on the number of dogs each resident is allowed to kill.
Moreover to this , millitants of hamas shot dead alot of dogs without any mercey or submission to justice .
We condemn and demnd to stop all the kinds of violence against animals .

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