Introduce RAPID and Education to End Poaching in Tanzania

  • av: Mrinji Envirocare
  • mottagare: Tanzania National Parks, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ministry of Home Affair, Ministry of Education and vocational training, Foreign Aid, WWF Tanzania, IPP Media, Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation, Embassy of United States Dar es Salaam-Tanzan

United Republic of Tanzania has Laws that protect the wildlife (Rhino and Elephants)etc from illegal poaching. Unfortunately, these laws have been difficult, sometimes impossible to enforce because the country's wide open spaces are so vast, they cannot be effectively monitored by a few wildlife rangers. The Tanzanian government’s census of elephants in the country reveals some devastating news: Since 2009, the country has lost close to 60% of its elephants.

The team conducting the aerial wildlife counts of Tanzania in 2013 and 2014 knew poaching was becoming a major problem, but nothing could have prepared them for what they uncovered. Tanzania had lost two-thirds of its once mighty elephant population in just four years, as demand from China for their ivory tusks sent a highly-organized army of rifle and chainsaw-wielding criminals into its game reserves.

Adequate Education concerning wildlife and Introduction of New Technology will help to eradicate the problem. New technology that detects poaching offers the best hope for saving endangered mega-fauna like Elephants and Rhinos. The Real-time Anti-Poaching Intelligence Device (RAPID) can be fitted directly on to the Elephant/rhino where it reports on his or her location.

Please join us in asking Tanzania National Parks, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ministry of Home Affair, Ministry of Education and vocational training, Foreign Aid, WWF Tanzania, IPP Media, Wild Heart Wildlife Foundation, Embassy of United States Dar es Salaam-Tanzania, Embassy of Japan in Tanzania, to immediately provide adequate education (schools, college and even in University) and deploy RAPID to ensure that every Elephant/Rhino are wearing one.

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Mrinji Envirocare Organisation is Non-Government Organisation based in Tanzania focusing on Environment Conservation,working to protect Elephants/Rhinos and Other species
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