Demand Justice for USC Students Murder Case

We need to show our support for the two lost lives while their parents are not here.

We have to show our concern about the safety of students in Los Angeles.

We are counting on DA's office to help deliver justice in this case. 

Honorable Steve Cooley

Re:         People v. Bryan Barnes & Javier Bolden

Dear Mr. Cooley,

We are concerned students and community members of Los Angeles County. While we are still mourning the loss of two bright students, Ming Qu and Ying Wu of USC, who were taken away by the senseless killing on April 11, we were relieved to learn that the suspects responsible for this horrific crime were arrested and that are being prosecuted for capital murder.

We look forward to the presentation of the evidence in this case. From press reports, we understand that these men carried out the killings in connection with a robbery. Public records indicate that they are suspected as having shot others in the past; we hope that all evidence present will be carefully considered by the jury. and that if the evidence warrants it, that they are convicted and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Many of the Chinese students and their family members, have now become very concerned about the safety of students in Los Angeles. The senseless killing of the two young and promising students shocked us all. We are counting on your office to help deliver justice in this case. We and many others in China and elsewhere are paying close attention to this case.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

USC CSSA (USC Chinese Students and Scholars Association)

CSPA (Chinese Student Protective Alliance)

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