STOP THE KILLING of our beautiful wolves and keep president from abolishing the endangered species act

No human shall have the power no the right to decide the faith of such a beautiful and important species as they were placed here on earth just as us humans were. The wolves are gorgeous and im so happy that mother earth have given us such special creatures to admire and learn from and its imperative that we dont allow the government to kill them off, so please sign this petition to help the animals and show the president why he shall protect our endangered species.
We have encroached on these beautiful creatures and their habitats kiliing them off by air and ground. Could you imagine if this was happening to you and your family and children, for no reason, how scary that would be?. Why should any innocent animal have to endure this ?They should never and they were living in there homes first. No humans shall be given the right tio hurt innocent animals as They were placed here just as we were and add such beauty to our nation.
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