To give a second season to I Hear Your Voice 너의 목소리가 들려

  • av: Eloo Dpx
  • mottagare: SBS CEO and Producters of the drama I Hear Your Voice, Jo Soo Won, Park Hye Run

If you have enjoyed the amazing show I Heard Your Voice with the main characters Park Soo Ha (Lee Jong Suk) and Jang Hye Sung (Lee Bo Young), and all the others actors and actresses, please sign the petition and make all together the possibility to have a season 2 !

Dear Jo Soo Won, Dear Park Hye Ryun,

We were millions out of Korea, following your drama I Hear Your Voice, and because we adored it, and it lets each heart speechless, we demand a second season, because your hard work deserves it.
Please, don't let the fans be disappointed, because this drama has a very high potential unexploted yet.

Your fans all over the world - at least the 200 000 signers. 

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