We call for Spain to modernize the country's animal protection laws!

  • av: ESDAW
  • mottagare: SPAIN

Spain is a country made of 17 autonomous communities and 2 autonomous cities. The legislation relative to companion animals is quite similar in all of them.

The main problem in Spain is that animal abuse is not included in the criminal act as in other countries and because of that, a person who neglects, abuses or kills an animal only get minor administrative sanctions.

Therefore we must demand that Spain modernizes the country's animal protection laws.

Neglect, abuse and/or murder of companion animals should result in heavy fines or prison sentences, and should be considered a criminal act - all over Spain

We are especially concerned about how the Spaniards treat hunting dogs in their country - the rest of Europe gets the feeling that Spain sees these dogs as a disposable product.

For more information, please visit: www.esdaw.eu/spainhuntingdogs.htm www.esdaw.eu/spaineueu.htm  www.esdaw.eu

We strongly urge the Spanish decision makers to modernize the country's animal protection laws - to prevent ongoing cruelty to animals.

Neglect, abuse and/or murder of companion animals should result in heavy fines or prison sentences, and should be considered a criminal act - all over Spain

We are especially concerned about how the Spaniards treat hunting dogs in their country - the rest of Europe gets the feeling that Spain sees these dogs as a disposable product.

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