Demand Change to Inadequate Canadian Laws for Animal Welfare!

Canada is viewed by a Country that welcomes the needy and protects those in harms way. I am proud to be Canadian.....except when it comes to the topic of animal welfare.
Would it shock to know that we are BEHIND the USA when it comes to criminally realizing the link of animal abuse and cruelty by individuals to future heinous crimes against humans? So there is a two fold reason to put pressure on those in seats of power to change our laws to protect some of the most vulnerable creatures in our country: for the love of the animal and for the love of your fellow man, woman and child. We, in Canada have woefully inadequate laws to protect animals, with little or no substance to a punishment if a perpetrator is charged. In the USA the FBI has upgraded those charged with animal cruelty to capitol 1 offenders, to be watched no matter to which state they may flee, as potentially lethal to humankind. In Canada, we issue a warning, or a minimal fine for acts of a horrendous nature. This is simply unacceptable in a country as great as ours.
I have tried to use my local government authorities to aid in cruel situations, however, as much as they would like to help they are hindered by our own laws, which are archaic even in their eyes.
I urge you to sign this petition to bring awareness to those in positions of power that as proud Canadians we want a change to the laws regarding animal welfare. That as Canadians we want a change of law to protect innocent creatures, hold the guilty punishable by more than a slap on the wrist and in so doing help lead the way worldwide for awareness and change.
Please take a moment to let our Canadian Leader know how important this issue is by signing this petition. Make yourself proud.
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