End Wildlife Trafficking, Pass the Whistleblower Bill Now!

  • mottagare: U.S. Congress

Wildlife trafficking is one of the biggest threats to wildlife worldwide. Black markets, poaching and more threaten the incredible beasts we share our earth with. And while the practice is illegal in many cases, there are substantial loopholes that can make it difficult to catch people involved in trafficking and stop it. Given that the U.S. is a major buyer and contributor to this awful industry, it's so exciting that legislators there have introduced a bill that could actually curb it. 

It's called the Wildlife Trafficking and Anti-Trafficking Act of 2021 and it needs all of our support! Sign the petition to tell legislators to pass this crucial legislation without delay!

What's unique about this bill is the way it incentivizes and protects whistleblowers. The bill would set up substantial financial rewards for people who call in legitimate tips about wildlife trafficking. This would allow NGOs and regular people alike to report signs of wildlife trafficking. 

This kind of law has been really helpful in cracking down on other types of crime. The truth is, regular people and NGOs working on the ground with wildlife populations see more and should be empowered to report to authorities. So much trafficking goes on right under our noses because the laws and the agencies enforcing them can simply  not be everywhere all the time. 

If we want to halt the 6th mass extinction we are in, curbing wildlife trafficking will be a big part of that. Sign the petition to support this landmark legislation protecting animals globally!

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