Dont Cut Government Funding for Conservation

  • mottagare: United States House of Representatives

Recently, the House Appropriations Committee approved a bill that would cut money from wildlife and conservation funds and instead give it to the Departments of the Interior and Transportation. If this bill passes, conservation funds such as the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund will not be able to start new projects, or even complete current projects. Instead, the money will instead go to oil companies, which may use it to further harm the environment.

If passed, this bill will cut 80% of the money meant for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This means that there will be no more projects to acquire new land to be saved. There may not be enough funding to continue to protect current acquired lands. Allowing lands across the country to go unprotected will open them up to harm from pollution or destruction. In the past, LWCF has protected areas such as the Grand Canyon, Everglades, and Mount Rainier. These nationally treasured areas may face destruction without the LWCF’s protection.

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