• av: MOPAYS.COM
  • mottagare: Hon Prime Minister Sir Anerood Jugnauth; President of Republic of Mauritius Bibi Ameenah Firdaus Gurib-Fakim; Minister of Agro Industry Mahen Seeruttun;The Hon. Charles Gaëtan Xavier-Luc DUVAL, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism

MSAW previously known as MSPCA is an organization which has been making the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Ironically MSAW, which is supposed to be an organization for the welfare of animals in Mauritius do the contrary by catching and killing our best friends. Earlier this year, shocking behind the scenes footage were discovered at the MSAW, dogs being inhumanely killed and mistreated on the ground of euthanasia. The video was condemned by animal rights campaigners and this caused an uproar on social media. Daily Mail UK published several articles on MSAW cruelty.

On August 11, another video showing extreme cruelty towards a dog at the Forest Side SSS college went viral on Facebook. According to witnesses at the college, employees of the MSAW were seen beating a dog to death as well as several of her puppies. 

The sight and sound of helpless dogs and puppies being beaten, injected and slung into an incinerator is the stuff of nightmares. It is a shame that all governments turned a deaf ear despite the various protests over the years.

Mauritius has to take responsibility of its animals and bring it at a new level where we will be recognised as a positively developing country. MSAW cruelty made the headines on various international medias also.

The mass slaughter of stray dogs in Mauritius is absolutely sickening. This barbarity has to stop once and for all.

MSAW Cruelty Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVdSlcPQ2Us

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