Demand an end to unfair dog restricted breed laws for American Pitbull Terriers in Australia.

  • av: Evagelos Mostratos
  • mottagare: State government and local councils that target American Pitbull Terriers and grant the power to seize and destroy dogs based on their soley on their breed not their behaviour.

Rangers with only 4 hours training, can veto a vets identification of your pet.

This legislation is a knee jerk reaction based on misinformation, media hysteria and misidentification of dogs actually involved attacks.Rangers are trained in a half day seminar. These four hours put the ranger's opinion above that of highly trained and experienced veterinary surgeons, who have given their lives to helping and healing animals. This gives rangers the power to seize and ulimately destroy innocent animals.

We the undersigned demand that all legislation targeting American Pitbull Terriers be repealed and that only dogs  that actually attacked a person or animal be dealt with...  

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