This Famous Tree Stood for Hundreds of Years Until Vandals Illegally Chopped it Down

For hundreds of years, a sycamore tree stood in the UK, near an ancient Roman structure called Hadrian's Wall. Over time, it became one of the most famous and most-photographed trees in the UK, earning admiration from tourists and locals alike. It's even been included in major films.

Now, it is dead. Gone entirely. Authorities discovered someone had illegally brought out a heavy-duty chain saw - and in "an act of vandalism," felled it.

This tree meant so much to so many people. Officials must honor it by replanting a grove in its place!

Referred to as "the Sycamore Gap tree," generations of locals visited it for engagements, weddings, even spreading the ashes of loved ones who had passed away, and just to clear their minds. To acknowledge its importance, the Woodland Trust awards proclaims the Sycamore Gap tree the "Tree of the Year" in 2016.

Beyond that, trees are an important part of the ecosystems around them. These plants help fight climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They also provide important habitats for wildlife needing a home. We must protect every tree we can, rather than watch as reckless individuals destroy vital greenery.

Authorities have taken the illegal felling seriously, identifying two suspects in this case. But the most important thing is for the tree's tranquil legacy to live on.

Authorities must not let these tree-killers win! They must push back by planting even more trees in its spot. Sign the petition!
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