Demand Shutdown of US Meat Animal Research Center

  • av: Animal Place
  • mottagare: United States Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack

The US Meat Animal Research Center uses your tax dollars to fund cruel and needless experiments upon farmed animals that have resulted in abusive genetic manipulation, senseless death, and immense suffering.

According to a recent New York Times article, the 55-acre facility in Nebraska confines 30,000 animals exploited for research. While more than $20 million in tax-payer funding is provided annually to the facility, workers claim they lack sufficient monies for shelter and veterinary care. More than 6,500 animals have starved to death since the facility's inception and a 11-17% mortality rate is considered acceptable.

This must end. Vilsack has ordered the agency to create an updated Animal Welfare Strategy plan, but that isn’t enough. Tell the United States Secretary of Agriculture to stop using your tax-payer dollars to fund needless cruelty to farmed animals.

Dear Secretary Vilsack,

I demand that my tax dollars not be used for senseless experiments on farmed animals at the US Meat Animal Research Center. Please shut down the Research Center immediately and halt all funding. These experiments have only caused immense and needless suffering.

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