People Are Shooting Pets with Guns and Arrows in Louisiana. It Must Stop.

In northern Louisiana, animal rescuers and organizations like the Humane Society of Louisiana are seeing a shocking increase in horrific, extreme animal abuse cases. People are shooting cats and dogs with guns -- and also with bow-and-arrows. A local veterinarian says it's been heart-breaking to see so many animals come in with gunshot and arrow wounds. But the situation keeps getting worse and worse.

Sign the petition to demand justice for these shot and abused animals!

Some of the violence inflicted against these defenseless pets comes from neighbors who take out their aggression on others' beloved companion animals. And some of the violence comes from pets' own humans, the very people who are supposed to love and protect these defenseless creatures.

That's why it's imperative that animal shelters and pet retail stores in Louisiana screen potential pet-adopters before they take home a new animal. Just like we would do for children, it's important to make sure that the new adoptive pet parents don't have any history of violence, cruelty, or similar major red flags.

Another big problem, according to area experts, is that apparently local police don't prioritize enforcing laws against animal cruelty. That also must change. Police departments must investigate cases where their officers have broken the law by refusing to sufficiently take animal cruelty seriously. Police must be held accountable for not carrying out laws to keep animals safe!

Tell lawmakers in Louisiana that they must take action to help animals. They must pass laws to require pet adoption sites screen people before they adopt an animal, and to hold police officers accountable if they do not enforce laws against animal cruelty. Sign the petition to reduce horrific violence against pets now!
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