Fencing and turf companies are currently trying to battle the environmental change impact on their sales of fencing and turf by falsely advertising their materials as "Environmentally friendly," this is dangerous to the health of Temecula citizens and the environment we depend on to survive. White PVC (Vynil) fencing is made from the most toxic plastic in existence and it is known for causing genetic mutations and being the most damaging plastic on this planet to human health and our environment. Turf is also made from a very toxic plastic material mixture and it is wrong of the city to let the companies falsely advertise this to avoid negative business impact at the cost of the consumers health. It also violates prop 65 of California not providing a warning on the level of health problems it promotes including asthma, Epilepsy, Organ development, Fertility and pregnancy problems. We all suffer from the fumes and take a sacrifice to our health, Not only those who purchase the toxic materials. The City of Temecula should protect our rights to have the choice to be poisoned or not.

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